Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Reasons to Celebrate

This past Monday was my birthday. I have entered the last year of my 20's. I, for one, am looking forward to what this year will bring. A few things I am looking forward to in the next year or so: Gaining my LPN license, starting my career as a nurse, the possibility of moving, and hopefully, reconnecting with some fabulous friends that are supporting me in my journey through school and life.

Another reason to celebrate: I have placed in a state competition for nursing and get to go to Nationals! This past weekend, I was in Williamsburg for the state HOSA competition. HOSA stands for Health Occupation Students of America. I competed in a knowledge test for Nutrition and Job Seeking skills. I figured that if anything, it would be a nice break from the routine and a good way to celebrate my birthday. I was shocked to learn that I had placed 2nd in the test and 3rd in the job seeking skills! I now need to do some fundraising so I can go to California to represent VA. I am excited, nervous, anxious, and exhausted all at once just thinking about it.

And a Final reason to celebrate. Even with being gone all weekend and eating out every night, I still lost weight! I have been keeping up with my shakes, and water intake which was a challenge this weekend with all the running around. I am starting to feel more energized during the day. I am not putting junk into my body. I am starting to crave healthy over fast food. I can now look at food on my plate and not eat it all (I had a huge issue with this.) I am truely on my way to a better me. And thats is the best reason to celebrate.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Round 2 of Kickboxing, and Downsizing

As mentioned in my last post, I have started a kickboxing class once a week. Last night was the second night and, like the McDonald's comercials say, I'm Loving It! Last night we worked on kicking, hitting, and blocking while moving across the floor. At one point you were to go after your partner just throwing punches, one after another. Well, I think I scared my partner because instead of blocking, she just turned and ran! Now thats what I call intimidation! I feel so good while taking the class like my body is saying "Finally she decided to get me moving again." We also got to hit targets with kicks and punches. I have discovered that I really like hitting stuff! (Ha Ha) The trainer (who is a woman) said that when you like to hit the targets, you are either a true kickboxer, woman, or both.

I have also started a new diet that consists of meal replacement shakes, high protein snacks and then a "colorful" dinner. I have tried some of these types of shakes before and could never get past the flavor. Chaulky, grainy, and downright just awful tasting! But these are REALLY good. I got the chocolate flavor and get to mix in some peanut butter and a little ice... Reese's cup in a shake! And anyone who knows me knows that the combo of chocolate and peanut butter is HEAVEN to me! I don't want to tell you the name of the shakes quite yet because I have only been on them for a few days and I want to see how much I lose first. But from Friday to Tuesday, I had already lost 2 pounds.

Now for the downsizing portion of this blog. I was looking in my closet for something to wear and sorting into goodwill piles when I happened upon a pair of jeans that were bought for me a few years ago. I was getting ready to put them in the goodwill pile when I thought, what the heck, lets just see. I was so shocked when I could pull them all the way up, and even more so when I could zip them without doing the lay-on-the-bed-pulling-on-the-zipper-with-a pair-of-pliers dance. And I got so excited that I could actually stand and breathe in them that I had to post it on Facebook and on my mommies forum. So even if the scale doesn't say what I want it to, I can tell I have lost inches. And that makes all the difference!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kicking it.

So after my last post, I wallowed in self pity for about a week. Boo-hoo, woe is me kinda stuff that really doesn't make much sense. So this week, I decided to stop feeling sorry for my self and do something about it. Enter my friend Carrie with the suggestion of Kickboxing.
The gym where she has been working out (and she looks awesome by the way) was offering an 8 week kickboxing class and she had seen that I had been down, and suggested I come with her and try it out. Last night was our first class and even though I had to sit out a couple times do to my lack of endurance and food in my system, I had SOOOOO much fun!
Alot of the moves reminded me of my former life as a dancer. The balance required, the form of the kicks, the way your body moves as a unit, etc. And the best part was I had a friend to do it with. That was what I had been lacking all along! I NEED that support system and accountability. I do so much better when I have someone to say, get off your butt now or I am never speaking to you again. (ok carrie never said that, but I am sure she was thinking it.) So if there is one piece of advice I have for this whole thing, it is this, If something is not working figure out why. For me, I know I need a friend or two to work out with... It makes time go by faster and is just more fun!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


That's kinda how I have been feeling lately. Just Blah. I don't know what's wrong. I hate this feeling of numbness. Being numb to things I once loved. I know part of that is my depression, and part of it is the winter weather blues, but there is another part that I just can't quite put my finger on. I dunno. I also feel like I don't have many friends to talk too. Please don't take offense friends who do read this. I simply mean that I don't think I am on anyones top list. I might be the person you come to when you despreately need help, but not the person you call when you want to hang out. I have kinda come to terms with this but it still hurts to see people having a good time and no one bothered to call me. Even if I can't come and you know that, the call would mean alot. Ok. pity party over.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I've Fallen off the treadmill

No not really. I haven't been excersizing as much lately. I could make excuses like school work has picked up (which it has) or the girls keep getting in the way (which they do) or getting sick again (which I have) but when it comes down to it, I think I just get lonely doing it by myself. I wish I could join a gym or take some classes but schedule wise and financially its just not in the cards right now. I would also love to get a few more dvds or wii games to incorporate into some semblence of a routine. But again, finances just aren't there. I have also been trying to continue eating healthy. Some days are good, others not so much. One of my new favorite snacks is chocolate animal crackers. I get to have my chocolate kick with out a ton of calories. I am looking forward to the weather warming up and the days getting longer again. Hopefully soon I will be able to go for walks around the neighborhood with the girls in the stroller. Or maybe one of you would like to come and excersize with me??? Pretty please???

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hello again my dear friends. I am so sorry it has been so long since my last postllo .

School has been busy, weight loss has not.

Packers won the Super Bowl and I managed to not pack on the pounds!

Even though the scale isn't moving as much as I would like, I can tell a major difference in my clothes. The inches are coming off faster than weight. It is hard for me to remember that inches does not equal weight. I have also been pretty diligent about my excersize. Its not always easy to fit it in with the 2 girls. Sometimes I have them do it with me but others times it is just easier to sit them in another room watching TV while I can have 20 mins to just concentrate on myself. I also need to be better about my water intake. I never feel thirsty so I really have to force myself to drink.
In other news, I am starting to feel the need for change. I don't know what needs to change but I feel like I need an adventure. Maybe a move out of state? Maybe just a place to decorate? I really have no ideas yet just an itch to do something. Ever get those feelings?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Shred, 2nd Place, and 400

Hi readers! I'm Back again! It has been another busy week at school getting ready for our exam on Thursday. I have a few little things I wanted to touch on today.

First off.. The 30 day shred.

Um, Jillian scares me. It's as if she can see me through the tv and knows if I am not doing an excersize to my full potential. However, after I did my first workout with her this morning, I really can feel the muscles I worked! Maybe I do need Jillian to kick my butt every day. I will shred the pounds in no time!

On to my next bit of news, I am currently in 2nd place for my Biggest Loser competition with my mommies group! The First place person lost over 5% of her body weight in one week!!!! I hope to dethrone her soon, but if she keeps posting numbers like that, she will be one tough person to beat!

Last thing, Have you heard about the 400 calorie diet plan?
I am thinking I might give this one a try. Basically you eat 3 meals that are 400 calories each for the first 2 weeks and then add in one more 400 calorie meal for a total of 1600 calories a day. One example of a 400 calorie meal= a small McDonalds hamburger and an ice cream cone. Now, I might not eat that but I was happy to see some fast food alternatives in this plan. And unlike some other plans (not knocking any of them, just for my simple, overloaded brain) there is nothing else to keep track of! No points, grams of sugar, fat, etc. Just calories! The idea behind the diet is that 400 calories fills you up and keeps you fuller longer than several smaller meals.

Well, that's enough of my rambling. I hope you all have a nice healthy week. Until next time!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Well Hello Readers! Sorry it has been so long since my last post but things have been busy. I had a date night with Hubby on Monday. Dinner and a movie. I think I did pretty well eating out at Texas Roadhouse except for those darn rolls and cinnamon butter. I am drooling just thinking about them again. The movie we went to see was The Dilema. Please don't waste your money seeing it in theaters. Not horrible, but not worth the ticket price (and, really, what movie is these days.)

Wednesday I had a Mom's night out at Mexico. I worked out a little longer than usual to balance out all the calories I knew I would consume. I ended up getting a veggie taco salad and only ate 3 bites of the shell which for me, is a small miracle.

Now on to today. I did my workout already, ate a nice healthy breakfast and have great news!

I am actually pretty shocked since I ate out twice this week. I guess it is true that you can eat anything in moderation.

I am having a problem with snacks. I need ideas for filling but low calorie snacks. Any and all suggestions are appreciated.

Until next time! Sending you healthy vibes!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Temptations...

And no I am not refering to the group. So after recovering from my sickness, I have found myself wanting to go back to my comfort foods (soda, CFA, mashed potatoes). I haven't been working out as much as I would like either. My hubby was nice enough to hide all the junky stuff out of sight as to not tempt me into cheating. It has really worked for the most part. But passing by fast food lane (aka 360) is a challange. I used to drive all the back roads so I wouldn't even see the golden arches, Wendy's red pig-tails, or the Arby's cowboy hat. Now that they are doing construction on my back roads, I have no choice at times but to go down fast food lane. And before I know it, I am pulling thru CFA and getting a spicy chicken deluxe. Of course, I tell myself I will do extra workout to burn it of "later", then "later" comes and I am too tired. Then begins the viscious cycle. Sigh.

How do you avoid temptation?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sicky Sick McSickerson

I caught the dreaded bug that has been going around. The Stomach Bug. I have spent 2 days in my bed being taken care of by my dear husband and little lap dog Lily. (Ok so Lily really just liked having a napping buddy but, whatever.) While it has been great for losing weight, it has not been very good for the excersizing portion of my new fitness routine. I am now slowly trying to get back into the swing of things. I might try to do some yoga instead of the cardio that the workout plan had in mind.

On a more positive note, although the scale has not dipped quite as much as I have hoped, I can already tell a difference in some of my clothes! Yay! I can also see some of my muscles in my legs getting more defined like they were when I was dancing.

I have also signed up for a Biggest loser contest among my mommy friends. While I hope to be the Biggest Loser at the end of the contest, I really hope that just knowing that there are others working as hard, will also keep me motivated. They are a support group like no other.

Here's hoping you are having a great start to the new year: Bug Free!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Things I have learned this week

Here are just a few things I learned this week:

  • There are 4 calories per gram of protein.
  • there are 9 calories per gram of fat.
  • there are 4 calories per gram of carbs.
  • It is impossible to do yoga with 2 year olds trying to climb on you.

I have also learned a few things about myself too.

  • I used to eat WAY too much food. After really watching my portions this week, I now know when I feel full and the amount to fill me up is alot less than what it was.
  • I don't miss the junk as much as I thought I would. (thanks to hubby for hiding it out of sight)
  • I am slowly regaining my strength and it feels WONDERFUL!!!!!

I hope that one day soon I will be brave enough to post my picture and let you see how far I have to go, but I am not quite there yet.

I have seen a few of my friends losing weight too and they have been my inspiration. Thanks so much for the support you have all offered me on this journey so far. I hope I keep things entertaining enough for you to stick around for the outcome~


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hi All! I wanted to start a blog to keep me motivated to lose weight. I figured what better way to keep me accountable? So here it is, my blog about losing weight , excersize, and whatever else I decide to post about.

Why I wanted to start a blog.......
I used to be very active. I danced for about 20 years, was in show choir and plays in high school, in short, I was always moving. Then in about 2001 I injured my knee and wasn't able to keep up anymore. I got depressed and gained a lot of weight. Then I had my twins and gained even more. Well, I can now say I am over it! I have decided to get my butt off the couch and excersize and really start paying attention to what I put in my mouth.

So right now, I am really counting the calories, watching my portions and getting more active.
Won't you follow my journey?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year! I have decided to start blogging about my adventures as a mom of twins, wife, nursing school student, and weight loss. I wanted to start blogging really to hold myself accountable to lose weight. Hope my life isn't too boring for you dear reader. I will post as often as life will let me. Lets start by me telling you a little about myself. I am 28 years old, a little (ok a lot) overweight, mom of twin girls who are 2, wife of my high school (middle school, elementary school) sweetheart. In my spare time (yeah right I am a nursing student) I enjoy reading, knitting, cooking.

Thats probably good for now as you will get to know me even more in my posts.

Here's to a New Year and a Healthier life!