Sunday, February 20, 2011


That's kinda how I have been feeling lately. Just Blah. I don't know what's wrong. I hate this feeling of numbness. Being numb to things I once loved. I know part of that is my depression, and part of it is the winter weather blues, but there is another part that I just can't quite put my finger on. I dunno. I also feel like I don't have many friends to talk too. Please don't take offense friends who do read this. I simply mean that I don't think I am on anyones top list. I might be the person you come to when you despreately need help, but not the person you call when you want to hang out. I have kinda come to terms with this but it still hurts to see people having a good time and no one bothered to call me. Even if I can't come and you know that, the call would mean alot. Ok. pity party over.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I've Fallen off the treadmill

No not really. I haven't been excersizing as much lately. I could make excuses like school work has picked up (which it has) or the girls keep getting in the way (which they do) or getting sick again (which I have) but when it comes down to it, I think I just get lonely doing it by myself. I wish I could join a gym or take some classes but schedule wise and financially its just not in the cards right now. I would also love to get a few more dvds or wii games to incorporate into some semblence of a routine. But again, finances just aren't there. I have also been trying to continue eating healthy. Some days are good, others not so much. One of my new favorite snacks is chocolate animal crackers. I get to have my chocolate kick with out a ton of calories. I am looking forward to the weather warming up and the days getting longer again. Hopefully soon I will be able to go for walks around the neighborhood with the girls in the stroller. Or maybe one of you would like to come and excersize with me??? Pretty please???

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hello again my dear friends. I am so sorry it has been so long since my last postllo .

School has been busy, weight loss has not.

Packers won the Super Bowl and I managed to not pack on the pounds!

Even though the scale isn't moving as much as I would like, I can tell a major difference in my clothes. The inches are coming off faster than weight. It is hard for me to remember that inches does not equal weight. I have also been pretty diligent about my excersize. Its not always easy to fit it in with the 2 girls. Sometimes I have them do it with me but others times it is just easier to sit them in another room watching TV while I can have 20 mins to just concentrate on myself. I also need to be better about my water intake. I never feel thirsty so I really have to force myself to drink.
In other news, I am starting to feel the need for change. I don't know what needs to change but I feel like I need an adventure. Maybe a move out of state? Maybe just a place to decorate? I really have no ideas yet just an itch to do something. Ever get those feelings?