Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hello again my dear friends. I am so sorry it has been so long since my last postllo .

School has been busy, weight loss has not.

Packers won the Super Bowl and I managed to not pack on the pounds!

Even though the scale isn't moving as much as I would like, I can tell a major difference in my clothes. The inches are coming off faster than weight. It is hard for me to remember that inches does not equal weight. I have also been pretty diligent about my excersize. Its not always easy to fit it in with the 2 girls. Sometimes I have them do it with me but others times it is just easier to sit them in another room watching TV while I can have 20 mins to just concentrate on myself. I also need to be better about my water intake. I never feel thirsty so I really have to force myself to drink.
In other news, I am starting to feel the need for change. I don't know what needs to change but I feel like I need an adventure. Maybe a move out of state? Maybe just a place to decorate? I really have no ideas yet just an itch to do something. Ever get those feelings?

1 comment:

  1. Good job for losing inches! You will soon see the number on the scale move! I've tried to eat lots more fruits and veggies and cut down on the carbs, esp. since I'm doing WW. I only lost .2 lbs this past week and was very discouraged, but hey, it's only one week! I can change it this week.

    I'm not sure if you have talked about this before and you may have, but have you tried The Shred? I've started it back up again and it's only 20 mins. so you could squeeze it in during nap time!
