Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sicky Sick McSickerson

I caught the dreaded bug that has been going around. The Stomach Bug. I have spent 2 days in my bed being taken care of by my dear husband and little lap dog Lily. (Ok so Lily really just liked having a napping buddy but, whatever.) While it has been great for losing weight, it has not been very good for the excersizing portion of my new fitness routine. I am now slowly trying to get back into the swing of things. I might try to do some yoga instead of the cardio that the workout plan had in mind.

On a more positive note, although the scale has not dipped quite as much as I have hoped, I can already tell a difference in some of my clothes! Yay! I can also see some of my muscles in my legs getting more defined like they were when I was dancing.

I have also signed up for a Biggest loser contest among my mommy friends. While I hope to be the Biggest Loser at the end of the contest, I really hope that just knowing that there are others working as hard, will also keep me motivated. They are a support group like no other.

Here's hoping you are having a great start to the new year: Bug Free!


  1. I'm adding you to my Friends Who Blog thing on my sidebar!!!!

  2. I figured it out so I can show as following! All right!
